Saturday, May 18, 2013

Spring is in full swing

I haven't blogged in a month, a month. How do you sum up a month in a few paragraphs? Well, here is my best attempt...

I have taken a few road trips in the past few weeks up to Duluth. My grandpa still isn't doing that well, but we're trying to stay positive in a not-so-great situation.  He recently suffered a second heart attack and was air lifted from their home to Saint Mary's Hospital in Duluth. I hate to say it, but just in the few times that I have been up to see him in the hospital, it's been hard. After recently going through all those days with my grandma in the hospital back in February and the end result being what it was, it has brought back all the sad feelings that hospitals tend to bring.

On a brighter note, Sadie has started karate. I didn't know how she would take to it at first, but she absolutely loves it. The class is mostly boys, but there are two other little girls that are right around her age. She already has "earned" her first belt. She was so proud of herself.

With the weather finally turning nice, it has been so great to be spending the evenings and weekends outside and enjoying the warm temperatures. We were also finally able to start softball a few weeks back. The season isn't exactly off to the greatest of starts winning wise, but I am just happy to be out playing again this year.

Work has been an absolute mad house! The phones are ringing off the hook every day and I barely have the chance to keep up with any work (which is a good problem to have!). We are looking to hire on more employees and I have been doing interviews for weeks. Interviewing is normally one of my favorite parts of my job, but lately I just can't believe how many candidates I confirm interview appointments with and then they just don't even bother to show up! If I were looking for employment, I would never dream of confirming a time with a potential employer and then just not show up.

Lastly, we took Sadie to her first game at Target Field. It was a lot of fun. She got to meet Tony Oliva before the game and even got to run the bases down on the field afterwards. Definitely a day to remember.

So, that's about as good as it gets for a summary of all the main events for now.

And now, for your viewing pleasure, an overabundance of some photos  :)

Receiving her white belt

First and only tulip of the season

I love this picture of her
Mother's Day shot

Trying out the new panoramic feature on my iPhone

MS Walk

MS Walk

Snow covered Canal Park

Meeting Tony Oliva

Running the bases after the game

Until we meet again.

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