Friday, December 14, 2012


Last week was the worst snow storm that we have seen here in the past two years. I absolutely hate winter. I ask myself every single year why I continue to live in this state. One day I swear, I will move to South Carolina. It is so beautiful there and the temperature stays pretty mild all winter long. 

So it all started last weekend. It literally snowed all day long on Sunday and the final totals ended up being over a foot of snow. When it's falling down, sure, I will admit that it is a pretty site. However, the days following made for quite the nightmare. The traffic was awful and some of the cities here I swear do not even bother plowing the side streets. 

So, here is my time line of events for the past week:

Sunday: enjoyed the day at home with Ferny and Sadie. By the end of the day, shoveled 12 inches or more of snow and attempted a snowman.

Monday: Ferny unburied the vehicles and I attempted to make it to work on time (did not happen). I drove maybe 100 yards and got myself stuck in the snow. I tried for almost 5 minutes trying to maneuver myself out, but couldn't. I called Ferny to help me, and after about 20 minutes, there was no progress.  Finally, one of the neighbors down the way came up to help push. Finally, we got it out of there and I was on my way.

Tuesday: again tried to make it to work on time (did not happen). This time, I decided it would be a fun start to my morning to spin out in the middle of one of the busiest streets in Saint Paul. Not only did I do a complete 180 into oncoming traffic, I got myself stuck AGAIN. I had at least 50 cars flying at me going 35 miles an hour on what seemed like an ice skating rink. It was was TERRIFYING. After about 5 minutes of sitting in my car in a sheer panic, this couple stopped for me and asked if I would like some help. The man (who I now consider to be my angel!) hoped in my car and between the three of us, we managed to get it out of the snow and turned back around without dying.

Tuesday afternoon: I come to the conclusion that I need new tires. 

Tuesday evening: the commute home was horrific. I had no control over the vehicle and almost slid into 100 different cars. I got off the freeway and was maybe 3 blocks away from our house and got stuck, again, for the THIRD TIME! We made it home on a wing and a prayer...and once we did, the car sat for 3 days...

Friday: ...until this morning when Ferny had the opportunity to take the car into the dealership and install the new tires himself. 

We're expecting more measurable snow tomorrow, so hopefully next week will not be as eventful with my car's new shoes. It's not even officially winter yet and I already can't wait until spring. 

So the moral of this story, when your husband tells you in August that you are going to need new tires before the snow flies, maybe listen to him for once! ;)

Until we meet again.

It was really coming down.
She looks a little shocked in this one.

She enjoyed throwing it.

Snow angels :)

It was a wet heavy snow...well maybe we were exaggerating a bit with our facial expressions. 

What a good helper.

Winter wonderland.

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