Friday, January 25, 2013

Who turned on the AC???

**I wrote this yesterday, but forgot to hit publish...Oops!**

This week has been quite the chilly one. As it sits this moment, it reads a whopping 4 degrees. Have I ever mentioned in this blog that I hate living in Minnesota? It's some-what depressing. "Researchers" have now come up with this term called "seasonal affective disorder" or SAD. Seriously, it's the same thing as having "cabin fever" or the "winter blues," but the wonderful people in the mental health industry have been able to scare enough folks into believing that they have something mentally wrong with them because they feel tired of dealing with snowy, dreary, cold weather.

Although I am fairly certain I do not need to consult my physician for a prescription of Prozac, I am so sick and tired of being cold. My husband is beginning to think I am a little nutty though...(well, he's probably thought that for quite some time now) but I still have to sleep with the fan on despite the wind chill being -20 below, and I still have to drink cold coffee. So, yes, Ms. Barista you heard me right when I said a Northern Lite COOLER!

But, something did catch me pretty off guard today. When I was out getting the mail at work this afternoon, I saw this big red thing in the air. I didn't have my glasses on so I had to get a little closer to figure out what in the world it was. There was an SUV in the parking lot behind ours who was flying a kite from his vehicle! Seriously, that's a true Minnesotan right there! My hat is off to you...well, maybe not. I might need it with it being so cold and all. So, anyway, I ran back inside to grab my phone to snap a quick photo. Too bad the trees were in the way, but you still get the idea. Crazy!

Until we meet again.

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