This is the outfit that Sadie saw most fitting to celebrate Thanksgiving. Stripes and floral...needless to say I changed her before we left the house!
Black Friday....ugh, need I say more. It was crazy out there. Me, my sister and her husband all went out on Thanksgiving night. The lines of people outside each store was ridiculous. Just because it was cold, windy, and the people were probably crabby as all get out, my brother in-law and I thought it to be appropriate to drive through the Maplewood Mall area honk and yell to all the line-standers, "Black Friday, WOOO!" We really didn't get much response. It could have been the fact that Dubz doesn't have just a regular car horn, it is an old fashioned sounding one that makes a noise similar to "ahooogaaah!" I think people were a little alarmed....
So, we decided that we we're going to try and brave Target. We arrived around 8:45pm when the store opened at 9pm. There was already a line of people at least 200 deep! I wasn't really going for what everyone else was going for, the TVs, the Xbox, etc. I just wanted the car dvd players that were on sale for $59! They are normally $129 so I didn't really mind waiting in line for 15 minutes to save $70 bucks! Plus, it is one of Sadie's Christmas gifts. A few photos from the mayhem...

Last night, my husband and I went to see George Lopez. He was HILARIOUS! We laughed so hard. The whole night was for my husband's birthday back in August. I got him tickets because he is one of his favorite comics and I knew it would make for a really fun night out. We stayed in one of the rooms at the casino hotel that night. I was a little concerned that Treasure Island didn't pay their water and/or heating bill because we had to take cold showers this morning! I know there were tons of people probably showering all at the same time, but still. We could have walked outside and turned a faucet on in the snow and been warmer!
Until we meet again.
We considered staging a brawl of some sort just so we could end up on the morning news, but decided against it. I'm sure the cops on duty would have loved that.