I find myself spending all of my free time at Caribou Coffee...outside of the free internet, it enables my coffee addiction and makes me happy! While at Caribou, I find myself over-hearing
really interesting conversations from surrounding tables. Just in this past week alone I have heard some pretty good stories:
I have heard about how a girl fresh out of college is struggling with her relationships with the opposite sex. Imagine that, a 22 year old girl who cannot get a 22 year old (boy) man to commit to her. Honestly, if people could only fast forward time to see themselves in the future. They would realize that the things that they stress/obsess over are not that important. If I could go back to my 22 year old self, I would change almost everything, but at the time, I thought I had everything that I could ever want.
Another couple was trying to plan their finances for the next month. They were openly discussing how many thousands they were going to have to set a side to pay for this, that and the other thing, and how many thousands they were going to use to pay off a loan for their daughter. Planning their spring break trip on top of it all. Makes me wonder what they do for a living and how I missed the boat on whatever occupation it is.
Another good one was a barista talking about how he intentionally wanted to close up the coffee shop on a Sunday night so he didn't have to be home with his wife and three children.
And then the BEST OF ALL was the rap super star my daughter and I had the pleasure of sharing a space with the other day. He sat there with head phones in his ears, a pencil in his hand, one single piece of notebook paper on the table and the lyrical flow spewing out of his mouth. Every once in awhile he would glance over to where we were sitting (I think to see if we were super impressed by his skillz), and then quickly look away. Finally, after about 30 minutes of this, he started asking me questions. Not just like "how is the weather?" questions, but factual questions that not every average human being really should know right off the top of their head. So, I had my lap top with me and started to look up the information he was requesting... I think I deserve some credit on his next CD when he "blows up on the scene."
Outside of my awesome coffee house experiences, I have had one of the best weekends of the year so far. Yesterday, my sister and I took my daughter to see the Great and Powerful Oz. GREAT MOVIE! Some parts were a little too much for Sadie, but she handled it just fine. She is a thirteen year old trapped in a three year old's body. The movie was done around 9:30pm so we decided to go grab a bite. We went out to Fridays, and it was packed with a typical Saturday night crowd that did not consist of too many other three years olds at that hour. Aside from the glares of the judgmental on-lookers of why I had a little girl out so late, we had a great time. She ordered the spaghetti, questioned the waiter about his choices to get tattoos and body piercings, and made it known that the table of 21 year old boys toasting to finally being able to sit in the bar after 9pm were hotties. After her meal, she thought it to be nothing but appropriate to hop off of her chair and "jam" to the loud music that was blasting. We were all entertained, and I think she made the waiter's night. He was a good sport.
No utensils needed for this chic.
Jammin' at Friday's
Until we meet again.